Dark Phantom Series
The Dark Phantom Series is a two-book series, The Chosen Child: Rise of the OCL and The Chosen One: Legion of Lucifer, with the potential for more books in the series.
Jenna has special powers, for she is the chosen one. Jenna can see a person's whole life, birth to death. She also can kill with her mind by only picturing the weapon in her hand; when Jenna opens her eyes, the person is dead from whatever weapon she chose.
The OCL is a cult that wants to begin a New World Order, beginning with downsizing the world population. Jenna joins up with the Dark Phantoms, a group of rebels that wants to put a stop to the New World Order. Together they fight the OCL to save humanity.
The Chosen Child: Rise of the OCL
The Age of Enlightenment has come and many lives will have to end so the Illumination can begin. The New Dawn has arrived! Everyone is always talking about the end of the world, true it is written that no one knows when Judgment Day really is going to happen. That does not mean people cannot predict Armageddon wrongly anyway. Truth is that the end has already begun and it is a gradual decline of civilization's destruction.
The Order of the Clarifying Luminosity has already infiltrated the government of all the nations, slowly they are building up their conquering strategy and in time, they will be the powering force in the entire world.
The earth will not explode as one believes but the people of the world will wish it to be. Many people will die and the survivors will become slaves in the Post Apoplectic earth. That is when the end of the world will come, but no one knows exactly when that will be; not even the ultimate power in the universe, the OCL.
Can no one stop the end from coming? Yes, there is hope for all humankind and our fate is depending on one woman with a special gift of death.
The Chosen Child is one possible theory of how the world may end in the way future. "Read More"
The Chosen One: Legion of Lucifer
It has been foretold, when the Seven Deadly Sins appear on the earth, Lucifer will rise from the fires of the netherworld.
The time has come, the apocalypse is upon us; Lucifer is to rise from the ashes of the abyss in which he was cast from God’s grace. The Order of the Clarifying Luminosity believes their time to rise once again to power is upon them, but will Lucifer be submissive to the domination of the New World Order or will he have his own plans, revenge on all humans that took God’s favor away from him.
Now Jenna must rejoin the Dark Phantoms and together they must defeat not only the OCL but Lucifer the Fallen Angel. They are faced with their greatest challenge, the coming of the Armageddon but can they win this time and save humanity from slavery, death, and Satan himself? "Read More"